31 heinäkuuta 2008

Celebrating Xixón's Promotion

This is taken from Juan Llaneza's blog. Xixón's football team (Sporting) is back in the top Spanish league. I celebrated having dinner with a couple of friends, Manolín and Xuanín. Both from Uvieo, Xixon's eternal rival. We went to the restaurant Tori, where this photo was taken. The world is so small that some other Asturians from Xixón and Uvieo in a business-trip showed up in the same restaurant in Helsinki. The reactions when they saw me wearing the Sporting's shirt were contrasted but all shocked. The guy from Uvieo felt like not even going to Finland he could escape Xixón's celebrations. As the French say in these occasions: désolé :)

30 heinäkuuta 2008


Raspberries, they are everywhere and are delicious
Frambueses, hailes per tolos llaos y tán que te mueres

29 heinäkuuta 2008

From Finland through Canada to the Spanish Civil War

Interesting article in El País about one book dealing with the Canadian Brigades fighting on the republican side during the Spanish Civil War. Coincidentally, the article focus on the figure of Jules Päiviö a Finnish-Canadian that enrolled at the Mackenzie-Papineau battalion. An article on the website Vapaa Sana states:
Around 1500 Canadians went to Spain in spite of Canadian laws against volunteering. Of those Canadians a disproportionately large number were of Finnish origin. According to Finnish author Jyrki Juusela 225 Finns in total fought in the war and of these over 70 were Finnish-Canadians
Interesante artículu n'El País d'un llibru sobre los brigadistas Canadienses que llucharon cola República na guerra civil. Menciónase a Jules Päiviö, un Finés-Canadiense que formó parte del batallón Mackenzie-Papineau. De los 1500 Canadienses que fueron a lluchar a España (contra la llei canadiense) 225 yeren d'orixen finés. Qué coses...

27 heinäkuuta 2008


Nice evening at the sun in Kallahdenniemi, nice peninsula in Helsinki.
Una tarde mui prestosa asoleyando en Kallahdenniemi, una de les muches penínsules guapes en Helsinki

26 heinäkuuta 2008

Koris Ilta/Basket evening

Every thursday basket next to the sea. Some times is too hot : ) photos

25 heinäkuuta 2008

Cycling Home/Polkemassa Kotiin

La mi ruta en bici desde'l curro. Photos

24 heinäkuuta 2008

Loved/Rakas Kallio

Kallio, Helsinki by blafond
We lived a couple of years in Kallio, one of my favourite neighbourhoods in Helsinki. See photos to understand why
Vivimos un par d'años nel barriu de Kallio. Ye uno los mi favoritos. Mirái les fotos pa ver por qué

23 heinäkuuta 2008


My parents left. In addition to love they left this behind :)

22 heinäkuuta 2008

Wonderful smell

Anne & Elena baked delicious raparperikakku (rhubarb pie) and korvapuusteja (cinnamon cakes) Slurp! Turn the pages with the mouse's pointer or just click here to see the photos

21 heinäkuuta 2008

Fanatics of the Tour de France

Three hours of wonderful landscapes in the Alps. We managed to wake up to watch the last 15 Kms

19 heinäkuuta 2008

Tuusulan rantatie

We went with my parents to the shore of Lake Tuusula.We visited Ainola, the house of the Finnish composer Jean Sibelius and the impressive house-studio in Halosenniemi of the Finnish painter Pekka Halonen. After the cultural trip we had lunch at Pyysaari restaurant
Colos mios pás visitamos la costa del llagu Tuusula. Visitamos Ainola, la casa del compositor Finés Jean Sibelius y la ablucante casa-estudio en Halosenniemi del pintor Pekka Halonen. En finando colo cultural fiumos a fartar nel restaurante de Pyysaari

18 heinäkuuta 2008


Having visitors is always a good excuse to shop fresh products at Hakaniemi market square. Delicious new potatoes (boiled with dill), fresh peas (with some reindeer here), tortilla and wonderful chanterelle mushrooms. The last strawberries of the season as a dessert never fail. Look here at the happy customer

Killer squirrels

By the way. In Seurasaari the squirrels seem to be out of control. They follow you around literally demanding food.

And again

My parents are visiting again. As you see we're having and excellent weather. The photo was taken in Seurasaari

16 heinäkuuta 2008


I saw this animation at the movie theatre when I went to see the last Indiana Jones film. I laughed my arse off. Is for a campaign to prevent skin cancer. To my surprise, it turns out that I know some of the people involved. It was made by the graphic design company Cloud9 (loistavaa Jani!). If you live in Finland the ad is even funnier, grilling this kind of sausages (till they explode) goes together with sauna and summer (and beer of course)


At last we visited Luis and Poli in London. Walking around, shopping,
drinking British Ales, having fried breakfasts and visiting the Natural
History Museum
. Anne took a few photos with her mobile phone.

Roihuvuoren vesitorni

As time goes by I fancy more the constructions made of concrete and steel. Close to our place is the water-tower of Roihuvuori, the painting on the tower was made by Heikki Kuula

15 heinäkuuta 2008

In August 2007...

Javi and Ale visited. We went to a mökki (cabin) at the shore of Päijänne Lake. You can see the rest of the photos here. Theresa's mam let us the cabin. Paljon kiitoksia!

14 heinäkuuta 2008

Visitors last May II

Visitors last May I

Hello! long time. I gathered some energy after two years break and decided to resurrect the blog. Here you see Anne, Zola (sitting) and our three visitors (standing from left to right, Aurora, Sonia and Vicente)