Art goes kapakka (art goes to the bars) started today. Singing choirs tour the bars around the city. Top chefs look for the best Finnish ingredient, offering traditional delicacies and presenting local producers. Restaurants also offer their so called 'legendary dishes'. Really interesting is the activity science is art, which consists in giving talks at Vanha about health, happiness, environmental issues... Plus plenty of art exhibitions in bars. Needless to say that, during the events, the participating bars provide the usual goods to keep clients happy.
Hoi empezó'l Art goes kapakka (arte nos chigres) en Helsinki. Dellos bares y restaurantes participen abellugando actividaes culturales. Esta nueche coros van cantando pelos chigres. Cocineros de postín busquen el meyor ingrediente Finés ufiertando productos tradicionales y presentando a los productores. Los restaurantes también ufierten los sos nomaos 'platos llexendarios'. Molen les charles "la ciencia ye arte" nes que se falen de temes sociales, ambientales y de salú nel reaturante Vanha. Amás hai muches esposiciones pelos chigres. Nin que decir tien que los chigres siguen dando de beber y xintar mientres duren les actividaes.