14 elokuuta 2008
Art goes kapakka
Art goes kapakka (art goes to the bars) started today. Singing choirs tour the bars around the city. Top chefs look for the best Finnish ingredient, offering traditional delicacies and presenting local producers. Restaurants also offer their so called 'legendary dishes'. Really interesting is the activity science is art, which consists in giving talks at Vanha about health, happiness, environmental issues... Plus plenty of art exhibitions in bars. Needless to say that, during the events, the participating bars provide the usual goods to keep clients happy.
Hoi empezó'l Art goes kapakka (arte nos chigres) en Helsinki. Dellos bares y restaurantes participen abellugando actividaes culturales. Esta nueche coros van cantando pelos chigres. Cocineros de postín busquen el meyor ingrediente Finés ufiertando productos tradicionales y presentando a los productores. Los restaurantes también ufierten los sos nomaos 'platos llexendarios'. Molen les charles "la ciencia ye arte" nes que se falen de temes sociales, ambientales y de salú nel reaturante Vanha. Amás hai muches esposiciones pelos chigres. Nin que decir tien que los chigres siguen dando de beber y xintar mientres duren les actividaes.
Berliini Huhtikuu 2005
Now that our summer vacation is approaching :) I thought about showing the photos from a short trip we made to Berlin in April 2005. I really liked the architecture, specially the modern bits. The natural history museum wasn't bad at all either. See the complete photo set.
Agora que nuestres vacaciones de veranu tán al caer, pensé en enseñavos les fotos d'un viaxe curtiu que ficimos a Berlín en Abril de 2005. Gustóme mucho la arquitectura, especialmente les partes modernes. El muséu d'historia natural tampoco defraudó. Ver toles fotos.
Aiheita - Categories:
11 elokuuta 2008
Cuerpos na ciudá
Hooked on the Olympics I've missed the URB-festival (urban culture and art) in Helsinki. Luckily, there is plenty of info in the web. I've found very interesting the activity Bodies in Urban Spaces from which Däni von Hickersby has a thorough coverage in Flickr.
Engancháu nes Olimpiaes perdime'l festival URB en Helsinki. Pa consolase hai bastante material na rede. Pareciome mui prestosa la actividá Cuerpos n'Espacios Urbanos de la que Däni von Hickersby tien fotos abondo en Flickr.
10 elokuuta 2008
Helsingin sarjakuvafestivaalit
Make room in your agenda this September! The Helsinki comic festival takes place from 12 to 14.9.2008. Invited guests are François Walthéry, Guy Delisle, Anders Nilsen, Martin tom Dieck, Marko Turunen and Quebéc-Finland project. This year the poster has been made by Mari Ahokoivu, check her nice work on her site (material in English)
Apuntái nes vuestres axendes pa setiembre! El festival de comic de Helsinki ye del 12 al 14.9.2008. Los invitaos son François Walthéry, Guy Delisle, Anders Nilsen, Martin tom Dieck, Marko Turunen y Quebéc-Finland project. Esti añu'l cartel dibuxolu Mari Ahokoivu, mirái el su blog que tien coses guapes (mucho n'Inglés). Equí teneis abellugu :)
Aiheita - Categories:
08 elokuuta 2008
Ei iskua Irakiin! - Nun ataquéis Irak!
Time flies. Three years ago we were protesting against the imminent invasion of Irak. A sunny day of March 2003 (but -15 celsius) . See photos here
El tiempu vuela. En marzu de 2003 (-15 graos) tabemos de manifestación contra la inminente invasión d'Irak. Ver les fotos equí
Aiheita - Categories:
07 elokuuta 2008
New Header - Nueva Cabecera
I thought someone may like to have the header's updated picture in a decent resolution. If so, just click on the photo to open the full-resolution version and save it
Pensé qu'igual vos prestaba tener la nueva cabecera nun tamañu afayaizu. Si ye'l casu, calcái na foto p'abrir la versión grande y baxáila
06 elokuuta 2008
Güertes na ciudá - Cultivating in the city
Yet another wonderful thing about Helsinki is that one can rent a small plot of land within the city and grow potatoes, berries... and they look great too!
Otra cosa prestosa en Helsinki ye que la ciudá alquila parceluques a la xente pa que plante hortolices, frutes... tiénenles mui cuidaes y nestos díes de branu da gloria véles
05 elokuuta 2008
Rudus Cement
Close to our place is this cement factory. I find the building pretty cool. See more
Cerca de casa tenemos esta cementera. Mólame l'edificiu. Ver más
Aiheita - Categories:
03 elokuuta 2008
Hilloa & Mehua - Mermelada, zumu y dulce de bayes
Anne came back from Ypäja with 50 litres of berries. We spent Sunday making marmalade and juice. You can see all the process and end products here
Anne fue'l vienres al campu a la casa que tien la su familia n'Ypäjä y volvió con 50 llitros de bayes. Pasamos el domingu faciendo zumu (con unes potes mui curioses), mermelades y dulce. Podeis ver el procesu equí
01 elokuuta 2008
Visit to Dragsfjärd
Last weekend we visited the Holm & Koivisto family at Drasfjärd on the Kemiö Island, Southern Finland. We also visited the summer house of the Finnish businessman Amos Andersson (and enjoyed the nice landscapes (apple trees, rye fields...). On the way back we stopped in Angelniemi to see its nice wooden church. Photos here
Esti domingu visitamos los nuestros amigos Piia & Tommi en Drasfjärd, na islla de Kemiö nel suroeste de Finlandia. Ellí cerca ta la casona de branu d'un potentáu finés (Amos andersson) con playa nun llagu, pumaraes... la bomba. A la vuelta ficimos más turismu per Angelniemi pa ver una iglesiuca de maera. Ver les fotos equí
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