16 elokuuta 2009
Camín de Cantares
It is clear that there is not lack of talent in Asturies. In this video Pepín de Muñalén-flute and three good friends (Ambás-voice, Rubén-Mandolin and Elías-Bouzouki) show how beautiful Asturian music is. The video belongs to the TV series "Camín de Cantares" in the Asturian television, a must for lovers of oral tradition, hosted by Ambás. In the series, Ambás interviews elder Asturian people gathering songs and stories, which at the end of each show are performed by young musicians (as in this post's video). A priceless job from which you can see plenty of videos here
N'Asturies nun falta talentu. N'esti video Pepín de Muñalén-flauta y tres buenos amigos (Ambás-voz, Rubén-mandolina y Elás-Bouzouki) déxenlo bien claro con esti cantar. El video ye parte del programa "Camín de Cantares" de la televisión Asturiana y ta lleváu por Ambás. Na serie, Ambás entrevista xente mayor nos pueblos d'Asturies recoyiendo cantares y histories. Al final de cada programa músicos mozos interpreten les canciones (como nel vídeo d'esti post). Un trabayu ensin preciu del que podeis ver munchos videos equí
15 elokuuta 2009
una cuestión de pesu
Again doing berries' juice and jam. This year "only" 30 kg. Last year was 50 kg :)
Otra vegada faciendo zumos y mermelaes de bayes. Esti añu "namás" que 30 kg. L'añu pasáu 50 kg :)
14 elokuuta 2009
volver, volver, volveeeer....
Photo: Nalle Westman @HS
Our old friends are starting to leave, we can see them flying over our place
Les nuestres vieyes amigues empiecen a marchar, estos díes vémosles pasar dende casa
Aiheita - Categories:
13 elokuuta 2009
l'añu completu
going on about windows... Summer almost goes by without uploading a view from our place. Here you go, now you can see the views all year round
siguiendo coles ventanes... casi se me pasa'l branu ensin subir una foto de les vistes dende casa. Agora yá podeis ver les vistes durante too l'añu
12 elokuuta 2009
11 elokuuta 2009
Ventanes en Forssa
Winter and Summer are quite different in many places but in few to the extent of northern latitudes like in Finland. Compare the view from the window of Anne's mother place above with the view few months ago...
L'iviernu ye mui diferente del branu'n munchos llugares pero en pocos na magnitú de les llatitudes tan al norte como Finlandia. Comparái la vista d'enrriba dende la ventana la madre d'Anne'n Forssa col panorama hai dellos meses...
10 elokuuta 2009
Ypäjän Musiikkiteatteri
Two weeks ago we went to the summer theatre in Ypäjä. It was fun although Eero decided that watching a bit of the first act was enough :)
Hai un par de selmanes fuimos al teatru a l'aire llibre'n Ypäja. Fue divertío anque Eero decidió que con ver un cachín del 1er actu yá valía :)
09 elokuuta 2009
Photo: YLE/Jani Aarnio
Vandalism on cormorant nests in Finland has grown dramaticaly this year. About 2,700 nests have been attacked with the loss of 10,000 eggs and nestlings. Via... This can add to the stories reported at David's blog, where cormorant's life and trouble in Asturies is reported with great detail
Vandalism on cormorant nests in Finland has grown dramaticaly this year. About 2,700 nests have been attacked with the loss of 10,000 eggs and nestlings. Via... This can add to the stories reported at David's blog, where cormorant's life and trouble in Asturies is reported with great detail
Vandalismu'n ñeros de cormorán creció abondo esti añu'n Finlandia. Unos 2,700 ñeros fueron atacaos causando la destrucción de 10,000 huevos y críes. Via... Esto puede amestase a les histories contaes por David nel so blog, onde los cormoranes n'Asturies ocupen un sitiu especial
08 elokuuta 2009
Chernobyl 23 years after
Relating to the previous post... it seems that Finnish mushrooms have still dangerous leveles of radioactive Celsium-137. Luckily we cooked well our recent harvest, which reduces the levels around 75%, still a bit worrying. Via...
Falando de pañar setes... parez que les setes Fineses tiene niveles peligrosos de l'isotopu Celsiu-137. Menos mal que cocinamos bien les que pillamos hai poco, lo que reduz los niveles un 75%. De toles maneres da un poco de cosa. Via...
05 elokuuta 2009
In our recent trip to Päijänne we picked mushrooms, blueberries and wild strawberries :) As usual, more photos here
Nel nuestru reciente viaxín a Päijänne pañamos setes, arándanos y miruéndanos :) Como ye vezu, más fotos equí
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