03 toukokuuta 2006

Hauskaa vappua!

Moi. Two days ago we celebrated May 1st (Vappu) in Helsinki. This set of photos belong to the traditional picnic in Kaivopuisto. There is plenty of sparkling wine and other alcoholic drinks. Many people (almost everyone) who have graduated from high school (lukio) wear their student cap. Events include the capping of the Havis amanda, a nude female statue in Helsinki, and the biannually alternating publications of ribald matter called Äpy and Julkku
Moi. Hai dos díes cellebramos el primeru de Mayu'n Helsinki (Vappu). Estes semeyes son de la romería que se fae nel parque de kaivopuisto. Casi tola xente que se graduó nel instituto lleven una gorra. El día anterior ponse una gorra a la estatua de Havis Amanda y la publicación bianual alterna de dos publicaciones satíriques Äpy y Julkku

Some people, arrange extremely lavish picnics with pavilions, white table cloths, silver candelabras, classical music and lavish food. The picnic usually starts early in the morning, and some hard-core party goers continue the celebrations of the previous evening without sleeping in between. Some student organizations have traditional areas where they camp every year
Dalgunos apañen tiendes de mucho postín, con pabellones, candellabros de plata, música clásica y delicatessen pa xintar. Polo xeneral la romería comienza temprano, y nun ye raru que muchos vayan de doblete. Dalgunes asociaciones d'estudiantes tienen reservaes zones del parque tolos años

As you see we had an excellent weather.
Tuvimos un tiempu mui guapu

Carrying the table...
Llevando la mesa...

Mari making the arrangements for our particular feast. I added some heterodox touch by bringing my wine skin bag (bota de vino), which is laying on the rigth
Mari preparando la nuestra fartura. Añadí un toque tipista llevando la bota vino, na sombra a la derecha

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