29 kesäkuuta 2009

Yhden kuvan päivässä - Una foto al día

Photo by PPusa
Since it's clear that I cannot manage posting a daily photo I recommend the photoblog of PPusa about Helsinki, which seems to be up to the task brilliantly
Como nun soi a subir una foto al día recomiéndovos el fotoblog sobre Helsinki de PPusa, que cumple muncho meyor

Ceda'l paso!

These days barnacle gooses go as they please around the city. Photos via...
Estos díes les barnacles cariblanques (gracies David) campen pela ciudá. Fotos vía...

25 kesäkuuta 2009

+ Tapola

In addition to enjoy the midsummer sauna, we had wonderful walks in the forest around Tapola
Amás de disfrutar la sauna de San Xuan, dimos unos paseinos mui prestosos pol bosque alredor de Tapola

22 kesäkuuta 2009

Juhannus Tapolassa

To spend midsummer we returned to Tapola (Anne's family house). Weather wasn't very sunny but this didn't stop us for having excellent sauna and barbeque
Pasamos San Xuan de vuelta'n Tapola (la casa la familia d'Anne). El tiempu nun acompañó muncho pero disfrutamos de la sauna y parrilla

18 kesäkuuta 2009

El ruibarbu llegó - Raparperi on saapunut

Last Sunday we visited Anne's family house in Tapola. We picked some rhubarb and looking forward to eat it now!
El domingu pasáu tuvimos na casa la familia d'Anne'n Tapola. Pañamos ruibarbu asgaya, agora a facer tartes y llamber!

14 kesäkuuta 2009

El bodorriu - Häät

Last Friday Auro & Rá got married in Xixón. With great pain at my heart I couldn't be there. Fortunately, Xixón's City House has free wi-fi and my friends squeezed a laptop to see the ceremony, saying hello to many friends and showing Eero a bit around. It was fun to see the whole thing from Finland, even being mentioned during the event and greeted by the marrying couple in the middle of the whole thing. Internet is definitely a wonderful invention. I know, it would have been nicer being actually there but it was immensely better than not being at all.

Esti vienres casáronse Auro y Rá. Con gran pena nun pude dir. Por suerte, l'ayntamientu Xixón tien wi-fi llibre y los amiguinos apañaronse pa meter un portátil. Fue mui divertíu y emocionante ver tola ceremonia dende Finlandia. Ramonín (el conceyal oficiante) mencionome durante la ceremonia y los novios saludaronnos mientres yos lleíen los votos. Pudimos saludar a munchos amiguinos y enseñar un poquitín a Eero. Internet ye un inventu de traca. Yá se que prestaría más tar ellí de verdá pero fue inmensamente meyor que nun tar de ninguna manera.

13 kesäkuuta 2009


Kiitos Cim! we received these splendid gifts of Cim from Florida. A self-made patchwork blanket, funny soft toy and natural sponges from the Gulf of Mexico. Eero is a very lucky man :)
Kiitos Cim! ayer recibimos estos regalinos de Cim dende Florida. Una mantina fecha por ella, un muñequín mui divertíu y esponxes del Golfu de México. Eero ye un paisanu con suerte :)

10 kesäkuuta 2009

Alcuentru fartocráticu Suomi+Asturies: el sitiu Suomi+Asturies ahmattikokoontumispaikka

Next August 22nd we'll celebrate a big party (1st Suomi-Asturies ahmattikokoontuminen) in Suvilahti at Café Aaltopelti. The place is a former industrial area now dedicated to cultural activities and workshops. There is also a space to paint graffities (bring you spray paint along). In addition to the usual suspects from Finland, many Asturian friends and cider will be there. Good food and music guaranteed. See you!!
El prósimu 22 d'agostu celebramos el primer alcuentru fartocráticu Suomi-Asturies (1. Suomi-Asturies ahmattikokoontuminen). Será nel antiguo polígono industrial de Suvilahti (agora dedicáu a actividaes culturales) nel Café Aaltopelti. Sidra, bona comida y meyor compañía d'Asturies y Finlandia garantizaes. Nun vos lo perder!!

Näytä suurempi kartta

08 kesäkuuta 2009

New York 2006

Time to rescue some photos from our past trips. This time New York in June 2006.
Toca rescatar les fotos d'un viaxe pasáu. Esta vez ye Nueva York en Xunu 2006.

04 kesäkuuta 2009

Zola tapasi Eeron

Zola finally meet Eero one week ago :)
Hai una selmana Zola por fin conoció a Eero :)

03 kesäkuuta 2009

Koris kevätpäivä

With this splendid Spring Saturday we had a combined basket-picnic day next to the sea. More photos for our Flickr friends here
N'esti sábadu de primavera tan soleyeru ficimos un día de baloncestu y picnic xunto la mar. Más fotos pa los nuestros amigos en Flickr equí

02 kesäkuuta 2009


The small city vegetable gardens are getting ready. Soon will look like last year
Les güertuques la ciudá tan preparaes. Pronto tarán como l'añu pasáu