31 joulukuuta 2008

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta!

Happy new year everyone! As usual we had two new year's entries (Finnish and Spanish times) we had the grapes with the bells and the whole deal. The evening was excellent since Sanna was visiting. More photos here
Feliz añu pa toos-es! Como ye vezu celebramos la entrada dos veces (hora Finesa y Española). La nueche fue mui prestosa gracies a la compañía la nuestra amiguina Sanna. Más fotos equí

As you see we take care of ourselves: roasted ham croquettes, Whitefish pie, dried assorted sausages of Iberian pig, Finnish potato's salad and Rioja wines :)
Pa que nun vos preocupeis pola nuestra ración de fartures: croquetes de llacón, empanada llavaretu (un pexe prestosu de perequí), ensalada Finesa de patates, quesonos y embutíos ibéricos varios

and helping everything going down...
y pa baxalu too..

30 joulukuuta 2008

Zolan lepopaikat

Zola sleeps all over the place. On our bed ...
Zola duerme en tolos llaos. Na nuestra cama ...

... next to our bed ...
... al lláu la nuestra cama ...

... in her basket ...
... na so cesta ...

... on the carpets
... nes alfombres

29 joulukuuta 2008


The cold is coming little by little, let's hope it settles and we can walk on the sea soon
Parez qu'el frío va llegando poco a poco, a ver si aguanta y podemos caminar pronto pela mar

BTW, days are getting longer!
Ah! los díes tan creciendo!

These sunny and frozen days are very nice
Estos díes tan soleyeros y xelaos son mui prestosos

22 joulukuuta 2008

3rd pikkujoulu of the season

And three! this time Christmas party with the basketball bunch. In the photo the usual suspects on the spotlight
Y van tres! esta vez la fiestina navidá colos collacios del baloncestu. Na foto los (él) de siempre dando'l cante

21 joulukuuta 2008

Hyvää Joulua! Feliz Navidá! Merry Christmas!

As it's well known, Father Christmas is a Finnish export. Order your own!
Como ye bien sabío, Papá Noel vien de Finlandia. Encarga'l tuyu!

20 joulukuuta 2008


Photo Heikki Kotilainen
Christmas eve is getting closer. This nice photo of Finnish reindeers may help to warm up your engines for the celebrations
La Navidá ta'l caer. Podeis dir calentando motores pales celebraciones con esta foto tan chula de renos Fineses

19 joulukuuta 2008

Luistelemassa - Patinando - Skating

A bit more about my niece :) Marina had the chance to try ice skating for the first time. She's planning to take lessons in Spain now! All the photos here (e-mail me if you wan't to be added to my Flickr list)
Un poquitín más sobre la mi sobrina :) Marina tuvo la oportunidá de patinar nel xelu por primera vez. Agora quier dir a clases n'España! Toles fotos equí (mandáime un e-mail si quereis que vos ponga na mi llista de Flickr)

18 joulukuuta 2008

Equí llévase... If you're in Finland... (II)

Photos Juha Metso
Beer, sauna and lake (piglet is optional). Original source
More about Finnish cliches
Birra, sauna y llagu (el gochín ye opcional). Fuente orixinal
Más tópicos sobre Finlandia

17 joulukuuta 2008

La Mar

Sorrounded by the Baltic Sea, this bit of stolen ocean turned into a big lake, I quite miss the Cantabrian Sea (Gulf of Biscay for others). The rough waves, salt, tides, sounds... But thanks to Jorge Chachero we (I) can enjoy my (our) so missed bit of nature. In the video appears the "España" beach located in the council of Villaviciosa, quite close to Xixón (Asturies)
Rodíau por esti cachu d'agua robáu a l'océanu, nomáu El Bálticu, echo de menos la nuestra mar, les olones, la sal, les marees, los soníos... Gracies a esti vídeo de Jorge Chachero na Playa España (Villaviciosa, Asturies) pueo resarcime un poquitín

15 joulukuuta 2008


Having kids visiting is a good excuse to give yourself the treat of visiting Heureka. A science museum in Helsinki well designed for kids (and no so kids). Marina had the chance to do some space walking, visit the planetarium and give the weather forecast, among other things
Tener neños-es de visita ye una buena excusa pa regalase uno mismo con una visita a Heureka. Ye un muséu de ciencia en Helsinki bien diseñáu pa los pequeños (y non tan pequeños). Marina pudo caminar nel espaciu, visitar el planetariu y dar el parte'l tiempu, entre otres coses

12 joulukuuta 2008


Christmas time and we took advantage of my sister's family visit to get some baking cheap labour (=Marina)
Tiempu de preparar les tradicionales galletes de navidá Fineses. Aprovechamos la visita de la mio hermana y familia pa tener mano d'obra barata (=Marina)

11 joulukuuta 2008

The dynamic duo

I have been a couple of days away from my blogging responsibilities for a good reason. I've been carrying about the "Master of the World" and entertaining the "Dancing Queen". I'll be posting more of these adventures on the following days and uploading more photos to Flickr
Tuve un par de díes apartáu de les mis responsabilidaes de blogeru por un buen motivu. Tuve carretando al "Amu del mundu" y entreteniendo a la "Reina del baile" (sensu ABBA). Diré escribiendo más sobre nuestres aventures y subiendo más fotos a Flickr

05 joulukuuta 2008


The pikkujoulu (pre-Christmas party) season is unstoppable. We had the second one and this time we (workmates) played some sports, had sauna, drinks... here some photos of the thing. We played "töhöball" which consists in playing football with these masks. It is difficult to see where the ball and you team mates are. This evens things up and it doesn't matter how skilled you're. Lots of fun! First pikkujoulu here
Nun hai quien pare la temporada de "pikkujoulu" (fiestes pre-navidá). Yá tuve'l segundu, y esta vez ficimos algo de deporte, sauna, privar... Xugamos a "töhöball" que consiste en xugar al fútbol llevando eses mázcares. Nun yes a ver peronde anda la bola nin los compañeros colo qu'el nivel ye mui igualáu y nun importa quien ye buenu o malu. Reímonos un montón! El primer pikkujoulu equí

Three looking for the ball (right), other completely lost (left)
Tres tras el balón (dcha), otra completamente perdía (izda)

Hmm... I've got it! don't move now I'm going to kick you
Umm... Téngote! nun te muevas que voi chutate

Did it go in? Did it go in?
Entró? entró?

02 joulukuuta 2008

Heinähattu ~ La Foli

Photo Locating Helsinki

One of my favourite bars in Xixón is "La Folixa". In Helsinki the bar "Heinähattu" (straw hat) has a similar feel although is punkier (good thing) than the Asturian one. See this post about the place. Below a photo of the pub in Xixón by Guerra
Unu de los mios chigres preferíos en Xixón ye "La Folixa". En Helsinki "Heinähattu" (sombreru de paya) tien un aire parecíu aunque ye más punky (cosa buena). Podeis ver más sobre esti sitiu equí. Abaxu una foto de La Foli xixonesa sacada por Guerra
Photo Eguerra

01 joulukuuta 2008

Linnunlauluntie 4

When Ale and Javi visited here we tried to get into the flea market house in Linnunlaualuntie but due to the hectic opening ours we failed (once more). The building is very spooky and barely stands up. Thanks to Locating Helsinki now we can see the interior of the house and what it has to offer
Cuando Ale y Javi tuvieron perequí intentamos entrar (pero nun fuimos a ello) nun rastro d'una casa mui particular. Ye un edificiu decadente y misteriosu, agora podemos ver qué ye lo que mos espera nel interior gracies a Locating Helsinki

30 marraskuuta 2008

Rastreando - Kirpputorilla

Yesterday we spent the morning visiting flea markets. We stopped by Kalusteneuvos where you can find very interesting modern furniture of Scandinavian designers (specially Danish)
Ayer echamos la mañana visitando rastros. Pasamos por Kalusteneuvos onde pueden encontrase muebles d'estilu modernu Escandinavu (especialmente Danés)

Johannes Anderssen's credenza
Aparador de Johannes Anderssen

Bruno Matsson's chairs
Silles de Bruno Matsson

We also visited Tattarisuon vanhan tavaran löytötori where there is plenty of retro kitchen stuff
También paramos por Tattarisuon vanhan tavaran löytötori pa echar un güeyu nes coses retro pala cocina

27 marraskuuta 2008

Acabamos cola nieve (de momento...)

It's getting warmer/rainy and the snow will probably disappear over the weekend. Before that happens I take the chance to post some more snowy photos. Above some kids snow fighting in a bus stop in Siilitie
El tiempu ta calentando y dan lluvies pal fin de selmana. Lo probable ye que marche tola nieve. Mientres llega la prósima nevadona aprovecho pa subir dalgunes fotos más. Enrriba unos guajes tirándose boles de nieve na parada'l bus en Siilitie

Metro railways in Siilitie
Víes de metro en Siilitie

Summer visitors usually ask what are the brushes in the doors for (at the right). You can see that you need to brush off the snow from the shoes before getting home. But first these big shovels are used to open the way
Los vistantes veraniegos suelen preguntar pa qué valen los cepiyos al lláu de les puertes (na derecha). Nesta foto queda claro qu'hai que cepillase la nieve al entrar en casa. Pero primero hai qu'abrir camín con eses pales grandes

26 marraskuuta 2008


Our place so you can follow the changes in the climbing plant
El nuestru edificiu pa que sigais los cambios na enredadera

25 marraskuuta 2008

First Pikkujoulu of the season

Last Saturday Mari arranged a delightful Pikkujoulu (small-Christmas party) at her place. Excellent food and better company. We exchanged presents (5 euro max) and caught up with friends that we haven't seen for some time. If you're a friend of mine in Flickr you can see more photos here. If you want to be added to my Flickr's friends list send me an e-mail
El sábadu pasáu Mari invitionos al primer pikkujoulu (fiestina pre-navidá) de la temporada. Como siempre comida impresionante y meyor compañía. Cambiamos regalucos (5 euro max) y topamos xente qu'había tiempu que nun veíamos. Si tais na mi llista d'amigos en Flickr podeis ver más fotos equí. Si quereis que vos añada como amigu/a en Flickr mandáime un email

24 marraskuuta 2008

Camín del curro

This morning our street looked like this
Esta mañana la nuestra calle taba así

Our car... fortunately there is good public transportation
El nuestru coche... menos mal que tiramos de transporte público

Others have to dig a bit
Otros tienen de cavar un poquitín

City center, around Sörnäinen metro station
Nel centru, al salir del metro en Sörnäinen

23 marraskuuta 2008

Y dale coles ventanes!

First decent snow arrived at last! and it keeps coming... (all windows)
Por fín la primera nevada decente! y sigue cayendo... (toles ventanes)

21 marraskuuta 2008

Locating Helsinki

Photo Locating Helsinki
Locating Helsinki is an excellent blog where one can find tips to visit interesting places outside the usual tourist landmarks. As an example the Ski jumping ramp located in our neighbourhood (photo above). The tag names in the blog are very handy: show a foreign friend, walk routes, buying stuff...
Locating Helsinki ye un blog mui buenu que descubre coses prestoses fuera de los típicos sitios turísticos. Un exemplu, ilustráu pola foto d'esta entrada, ye la rampa de salto d'esquí nel nuestru barriu. Los temes nel blog tan bien organizaos y son mui prácticos: coses pa enseñar a los foriatos, rutes pa caminar, compres...

19 marraskuuta 2008

Winter clothing

Source PopuLAARI
It's getting so cold that we should start considering to use long underwear once more. It would be nice going to work with the silk coat though. This advertisment dates from 1935
Colo frío que ta toi pensando en dir sacando'l polvo a los gayumbos llargos. Tampoco taría mal dir al curro en bata de seda y fumando con esi saleru. L'anunciu ye de 1935

17 marraskuuta 2008

Kite Aerial

Timonoko has an impressive photo gallery of Helsinki from the sky
Timonoko tien una galería de fotos de Helsinki dende l'aire tremenda


Photo Ensio Kempe

14 marraskuuta 2008

Atardeceres d'iviernu

Photo Pentti Hannuksela
Winter sunsets in Helsinki are beautiful
Estos atardeceres compensen (un poquitín) lo corto de los díes

13 marraskuuta 2008

Sweet monsters

Lordi keeps going. Last week they performed at Conan O'Brien's late night. What memories!
Lordi sigue dando guerra. La selmana pasada actuaron nel programa de Conan O'Brien. Qué recuerdos!