05 joulukuuta 2008


The pikkujoulu (pre-Christmas party) season is unstoppable. We had the second one and this time we (workmates) played some sports, had sauna, drinks... here some photos of the thing. We played "töhöball" which consists in playing football with these masks. It is difficult to see where the ball and you team mates are. This evens things up and it doesn't matter how skilled you're. Lots of fun! First pikkujoulu here
Nun hai quien pare la temporada de "pikkujoulu" (fiestes pre-navidá). Yá tuve'l segundu, y esta vez ficimos algo de deporte, sauna, privar... Xugamos a "töhöball" que consiste en xugar al fútbol llevando eses mázcares. Nun yes a ver peronde anda la bola nin los compañeros colo qu'el nivel ye mui igualáu y nun importa quien ye buenu o malu. Reímonos un montón! El primer pikkujoulu equí

Three looking for the ball (right), other completely lost (left)
Tres tras el balón (dcha), otra completamente perdía (izda)

Hmm... I've got it! don't move now I'm going to kick you
Umm... Téngote! nun te muevas que voi chutate

Did it go in? Did it go in?
Entró? entró?

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