31 heinäkuuta 2009

Antes-Dempués Ennen-Jälkeen

While at Päijänne last weekend (see previous post) we ate some freshwater crabs and whitefish that we caught thanks to the nets and traps of Tiia's father. Smoking the fish was fun, place some Alder wood chips, Juniper leaves and sugar cubes on the bottom of a metallic box. Put the fish on top in a grid, close the box, put iton strong flames and wait for 20 minutes... delicious! you can see more photos about the process and ingredients here. The crabs where just boiled with dill
Mientres tuvimos el fin de selmana pasáu'n Päijänne (ver post anterior) xintamos unes farres/llavaretos (de la familia los salmones) y cangrexos d'agua dulce que pillamos gracies a les redes y nanses que punxo'l padre de Tiia. Afumar los pexes fue divertío, metes nel fondu una caxa metálica virutes d'umeru, fueyes de queruetu y unos terrones d'azucre. Ponse'l pexe nuna malla, ciérrase la caxa y ponse enrriba les llames bien fuertes por 20 minutinos... deliciosu! podeis ver más fotos del procesu y ingredientes equí. Los cangrexos taben fervíos con eneldu


Thanks to the invitation of Tiia and Francesc we spent last weekend having a wonderful time in a mökki (=cabin) on the shore of Lake Päijanne
Gracies a una invitación de Tiia y Francesc pasamos in fin de selmana xenial n'un mökki (=cabaña) a la vera'l llagu Päijanne

27 heinäkuuta 2009


After the quick trip to Asturies I had some visitors waiting in Helsinki. We went to Linnanmäki's amusement park with Marina and had a great time. I specially like the wooden roller coaster from 1951
Dempués del viaxín a Asturies tenía visites esperando'n Helsinki. Fuimos al parque d'atracciones de Linnanmäki con Marina y pasámoslo mui bien. Especialmente prestosu ye la montaña rusa de maera fecha'l 1951

23 heinäkuuta 2009

Frisuelos - Lettuja

Making pankakes is other of our occupations while in Tapola. Before being to Finland I never saw them made on firewood before
Los frisuelos son mui comunes en toda Europa y en Tapola son una de nuestres ocupaciones principales. Lo que nunca viera enantes de venir pa Finlandia ye'l facelos n'una foguerina

22 heinäkuuta 2009

coses importantes sobre la sauna

A very important thing for enjoying the sauna is having a relaxing place where to sit, discuss the meaning of life and enjoy your beer/cider. In Taploa, Anne and I use the two chairs next to the sauna others prefer the swing-coach in front of the main house
Una cosa mui importante pa disfrutar de la sauna ye tener un bon sitiu onde sentase a charrar con una cervecina/sidra. En Tapola, a Anne y a mí préstanos sentanos nes dos silles pegaes a la sauna, a otros tira-yos más el balancín delantre la casa

21 heinäkuuta 2009

Alcohol Smuggling

Photo of a a raid in Detroit during the prohibition times (from the Archival Research Catalog (ARC)National Archives and Records Administration USA)
via... now that our big party is getting closer and giving the difficulties we had to bring cider from Asturies this new seemed appropriate. Three men were detained on the charge of having smuggled 85,000 litres of alcohol from Estonia to Finland. Despite Finland is EU member their laws about alcohol importing, taxation and selling are more restrictive than most of European countries. As a result Finland still lives episodes reminiscent from the prohibition times
via... agora que la espichona va acercándose, y daes les dificultaes pa traer sidra equí, esta noticia vien a cuentu. Tres paisanos fueron deteníos acusaos de pasar d'estraperlu 85,000 llitros d'alcohol d'Estonia a Finlandia. A pesar de que Finlandia ye miembru de la UE, les sos lleis no tocante la importación, venta y taxación d'alcohol son muncho más restrictives que nos demás páises d'Europa. A resultes en Finlandia tovía vívense estos episodios más típicos de los tiempos la llei seca

20 heinäkuuta 2009

Ypäjällä taas!

Yet another weekend with the family in Tapola. Gorgeous views and the berries are getting ripe
Otru fin de selmana cola familia'n Tapola. Paisaxes mui guapos y a les bayes quedan-yos un par de selmanines

15 heinäkuuta 2009

Flower Power

Photo Tölkin Palautus
Extracted from... People in Helsinki were invited to help create a massive art installation of flowers under the supervision of artist Kaisa Salmi. On Monday, in the pouring rain, Salmi and a band of Helsinki volunteers set up a labyrinth of 100,000 gerberas in front of the main railway station. The gerbera labyrinth will be on display until Friday. Nature, particularly flowers, are a recurring theme in Salmi's works. The aim of this installation is to show how important nature is to humans' surroundings and welfare. In 2007, foto below, Salmi recruited helpers to cover the steps of Parliament with 60,000 blooms.
Traducío de... La xente de Helsinki tuvo invitao'l pasáu llunes a echar un gabitu n'una instalación xigante de flores baxo la supervisión de l'artista Kaisa Salmi. El trabayu entamó baxo la lluvia, Salmi y un grupín de voluntarios ficieron un llaberintu de xerberes delantre la estación central de ferrocarriles. El llaberintu de flores tará montáu hasta'l vienres. La naturaleza, especialmente les flores, ye un tema repetíu nos trabayos de Salmi. La idea d'esta instalación ye enseñar lo importante que ye la naturaleza nel entornu y bienestar de les persones. En 2007, foto embaxo, Salmi cubrió les escaleres del parlamentu con 60,000 flores.
Photo miemo

14 heinäkuuta 2009

Portugalilainen kitara

Besides enjoying excellent company in Asturies, I also managed to treat myself with this nice Portuguese guitar. Now I have to get used to the new tuning and right hand technique to sound like below
Amás de tar cola meyor compañía n'Asturies, fui a comprame esta guitarrina portuguesa tan chula. Agora tengo de faceme a la nueva afinación y la técnica de la mano drecha pa sonar como embaxo

13 heinäkuuta 2009

Pikamatka Asturiaan

A very short trip to Asturies for work but still with time to enjoy family & friends, get my luggage lost at Charles De Gaulle airport, drink plenty of cider and have wonderful meals
Un viaxín de curro mui curtiu a Asturies pero con tiempu pa disfrutar família & amistaes, dexar qu'Aifrance perdiera'l mio equipaxe, beber sidra asgaya y fartar en condiciones

02 heinäkuuta 2009


Helsinki City Transport is examining the prospect of re-introducing trolleybuses by 2015. The photo is from 1981, the trolleys stopped working in 1985. Via...
Los trolebuses pueden volver a Helsinki alredor de 2015, molaría. La foto ye de 1981, los trolebuses dexaron de funcionar en Helsinki'n 1985. Via...

01 heinäkuuta 2009

Kalpea Kamala (1938)

Kalpea Kamala is a novel character created by Simo Penttilä in 1938. Kamala was in the Spanish foreign legion, as Franco's minion, killing masons, communists and mixed race people. The goal: the instauration of a new world order... After the 2nd WW, world's order was quite different and Kalpea Kamala joined a list of forbidden Finnish books. Via PopuLAARI.
Kalpea Kamala ye un personaxe de ficción creáu por Simo Penttilä'n 1938. Kamala yera un Finés, seguidor de Franco, que formando parte la llexión estranxera Franquista cargábase masones, comunistes y los que nun yeren de pura raza blanca. L'oxetivu: crear un nuevu orden mundial. Dempués la 2a guerra mundial esta serie entró na llista de llibros prohibíos en Finlandia. Via PopuLAARI.