21 syyskuuta 2008


Sonia gave us some Moroccan Harissa spice mixes to bring to Helsinki. Although Harissa is generally served served with couscous we tried the 'Canarian Way' or with 'papas arrugadas'. We boiled some delicious Finnish potatoes (they are really amazing potatoes!) with a huge amount of salt until they get wrinkled, then you just eat them with a paste made with the spices and good olive oil. The green one is a 'mojo verde' I've prepared. Wonderful!
Sonia dionos un par de bolses con Harissa (picante y suave) que traxo de Marruecos. Aunque la Harissa usase p'acompañar el couscous, nós decidimos probar en plan 'papas arrugadas con mojo'. Preparamos unes patates Fineses, que son la bomba, manteca pura, y les comimos coles Harisses y un mojo verde que me curré. Un ésito!

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