In arriving to Asturies we spent the first night at my mother's place. Walking around Uvieo we were struck by this building appearing in between the streets. This is a work of the architect Santiago Calatrava. Most people I met say the building is horrible and that the location is too tight for the size of the construction. In my opinion the size is a success. When approaching from some street you can perceive bits of the impressive, sleek structures. The interior was a disappointment, a regular shopping mall. More photos
La primera nueche n'Asturies pasámosla n'Uvieo en casa mio madre. En paseando pela ciudá sorprendionos una gran estructura blanca onde taba'l vieyu Tartiere. Yera'l tan denostáu edificiu de Calatrava. A nós gustonos mucho. Nun me pareció encaxonáu, al contrariu, mola que te sorprenda y que nun se revele enteru hasta que nun tas xusto delantre. Por dientro decepcionome, ye otru centru comercial, plagáu de tiendes y escuru. Dicen también que tien forma centollu, pamidea parezse más a una ñocla. Animal mui guapu dígase de pasu. Más fotos
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Pues a mi gústame mucho l'andaricona...
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