During our hiking trip in the forest of Peloño we passed by this machine-gun nest from the Spanish civil war. These remains from the war are abundant in the Asturian mountains. Some even named this line of fortifications against the fascists the "Cantabrian Maginot Line", taking the name from the original Maginot Line built before WWII in France to defend against the Germans. You can find related posts here
De la que caleyábemos pel bosque Peloño, nel colláu Guaranga, pasamos per esti ñeru d'ametralladores republicanu de cuando la guerra civil. Agora que vuelve a tar nos medios el procesu activu de recuperación la memoria histórica nun ta de más insistir nello. Esti tipu construcciones nun son rares nos montes Asturianos, dalgunos nomanles la llinia "Maginot Cantabrica" en correspondencia cola llinia Maginot orixinal construida en Francia enantes la segunda guerra mundial. Podeis topar coses relacionaes equí
In here were fought some of the last combats of the war during October 1937
Equí llibráronse dalgunos de los últimos combates la guerra n'octubre 1937
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