I warmly recommend the documentary Recipes for disaster. Finnish director John Webster (yes, he's a Finn) convinces his wife that the whole family should go on an oil diet, yet without having to give up their a middle class suburban lifestyle in Espoo. All the everyday things that we don't do, or that we can't help doing, make up recipes for disaster. In this comedy of errors they find themselves questioning their values and putting to test their will power and ultimately, their happiness. Trailer below
Recomiéndovos el documental Recipes for disaster (Recetes pa pegásela). El director convence a la su muyer y dos guajes de que tienen de tar sin usar productos derivaos del petróleo por un añu. Eso sí, sin renunciar al su estilo de vida de clase media nos suburbios de Helsinki. Daste cuenta de qué coses cotidianes, pequeñes n'apariencia, pueden resultar en desastre. El documental lleva un tono cómicu nel que t'enseña cómo la familia tien de cuestionase los sos valores y, finalmente, la so felicidá. El trailer embaxo
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