Photo Tölkin Palautus
Extracted from... People in Helsinki were invited to help create a massive art installation of flowers under the supervision of artist Kaisa Salmi. On Monday, in the pouring rain, Salmi and a band of Helsinki volunteers set up a labyrinth of 100,000 gerberas in front of the main railway station. The gerbera labyrinth will be on display until Friday. Nature, particularly flowers, are a recurring theme in Salmi's works. The aim of this installation is to show how important nature is to humans' surroundings and welfare. In 2007, foto below, Salmi recruited helpers to cover the steps of Parliament with 60,000 blooms.
Traducío de... La xente de Helsinki tuvo invitao'l pasáu llunes a echar un gabitu n'una instalación xigante de flores baxo la supervisión de l'artista Kaisa Salmi. El trabayu entamó baxo la lluvia, Salmi y un grupín de voluntarios ficieron un llaberintu de xerberes delantre la estación central de ferrocarriles. El llaberintu de flores tará montáu hasta'l vienres. La naturaleza, especialmente les flores, ye un tema repetíu nos trabayos de Salmi. La idea d'esta instalación ye enseñar lo importante que ye la naturaleza nel entornu y bienestar de les persones. En 2007, foto embaxo, Salmi cubrió les escaleres del parlamentu con 60,000 flores.
Photo miemo
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